
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fabulous Opportunity for Graduates!

Fabulous opportunity for Graduates in any discipline with the Central Government of India. Yearly examination, the ‘Combined Graduate Level’ exam conducted by the Staff Selection Commission has been declared and the last date to apply is on April 15th, 2011. 

For more details, please log on to  or

Please inform this to all your dear and near and ask them to give it their best. The syllabus and all is very much simple. All one requires is dedication and speed. This is the one exam for the various posts in various departments in the central government. So please don’t miss this opportunity. Don’t forget, your applications should reach the designated office by  April 15th!

Application Form download: 

Notification download:
ESSENTIAL  QUALIFICATIONS   as on   Closing Date i e  15. 04.2011 (15th April, 2011)

i)  Compiler :    Bachelors Degree with Economics or Statistics or Mathematics as compulsory or
Elective subject from any recognized University.

ii)  Statistical Investigator Grade – II : Bachelors  Degree with Statistics as  one of the
main subjects.
Bachelors Degree with Mathematics (with Statistics as a papers studied in one year/two
years/all three year as the case may be) as one of the main subjects.
Bachelors Degree with Economics  (with Statistics as a paper  studied  in one year/two
years/all the three years as the case may be) as one of the main subjects. 
Bachelors Degree with Commerce  (with Statistics as a paper  studied  in one year/two
years/all the three years as the case may be) as one of the main subjects.

iii)  All other Posts:   Bachelor's Degree (Graduation Degree) from a recognized University or equivalent.